
The last Academy Masterclass took place in Vienna from 31 August to 5 September 2023. Here, in difference to previous years, only 2 instruments were offered, but instead of 3 sessions, participants received 6 sessions, which gave the opportunity for a much more in-depth education. For the participants of the Violin Masterclass, the focus was on building concert repertoire and preparing for orchestral auditions, including concertmaster solos and orchestral excerpts with the concertmaster of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and Vienna's most renowned professors. During these, the emphasis was on developing basics, etudes, scales, instrumental skills and finding the optimal method of practice.

The horn masterclass focused on solo repertoire building, audition preparation, orchestral excerpts, including the Wagner tuba, for which instruments were provided.

We were delighted to secure several sponsoring partners, giving participants the opportunity to purchase an instrument and sheet music at a discounted rate from a shop, and horn players the chance to try out different mouthpieces.


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